Youth Games Collection

Small group game, High energy

Ninja Game: Rules and Guidelines


Ninja is a fun, engaging game that involves strategic movements and a keen defensive spirit. Begin in a circle with all hands meeting in the middle. Following a countdown―3-2-1-NINJA, each participant launches into a pose of their choosing, after which they must remain frozen. Movement is then restricted to two circumstances:

  • It is your turn.
  • You react defensively to another player's turn.

Starting clockwise from any player, each participant takes their turn, with the freedom to move as far or as near as they want while others remain stationary. The objective is to slap the hand of any other player in order to eliminate them. Although physical contact can be made elsewhere, only hand-to-hand contact can eliminate a player.

However, there are limitations. After a failed attack, the attacker must remain in the stance assumed during the attack until their next turn or defensive reaction. A player can only move (in any manner) if they are under attack. Such defensive movements are legal but result in the player being frozen in their final position.

The game concludes when the last two players battle for the final elimination. The last player standing takes the victory.

General Rules:

  • Movement is restricted to one motion (a step, a roll, a jump, etc.), which completes when the player comes to a halt.
  • Only hands can make contact with other hands to eliminate a player. No other limbs can.
  • Encourage evasiveness but discourage running away for a more fast-paced and thrilling game.

Possible Modifications:

  • Add boundaries to expedite a slow-moving game. Tighten the boundaries towards the end for more intense competition.
  • If you are playing with a small group, introduce secret targets. Have a leader assign "hit targets" to each player. The player who first eliminates their target (or the last person standing if no one eliminates their designated enemy) wins.