Youth Games Collection

Big group game, Quick to learn

2 3 4 5 6


This game requires no materials and involves single groups dividing into smaller clusters as per the game mod's instructions.

How to Play:

  1. The game mod announces a number ranging from 2 to 6. Upon hearing the number, players must hastily form groups comprising of that exact number of individuals.
  2. If any players are unable to complete their group, they are disqualified.

For an additional challenge, each number can be associated with a unique action:

  • 2 represents a pair of players piggyback riding.
  • 3 encompasses two participants forming a makeshift chair and the third one sitting on it.
  • 4 denotes three contestants holding hands in a circle as if representing a washing machine, with the fourth person acting as the clothes inside.
  • 5 designates a pretend canoe scenario with one player standing in the front as the captain, while the remaining individuals mimic rowing.
  • 6 demonstrates a human pyramid.

Do remember, these poses are merely suggestions and can be swapped, altered, or completely changed to accommodate your group's liking. Happy playing!