Youth Games Collection

Big group game, Quick to learn

Telephone Pictionary

Game Description

Telephone Pictionary is a fun and engaging game where players write phrases, draw pictures, and then guess the phrases again. The game often leaves the participants laughing as they see the original phrase evolve into something else entirely.


  1. Distribute a blank sheet of paper to every player.
  2. Each player writes a humorous phrase (for instance, "dancing hippo") at the top of their paper.
  3. After this, all papers are passed to the next player in a standard direction, either left or right.
  4. The receiving player reads the phrase, attempts to illustrate it beneath the phrase, then folds the paper over the original phrase, hiding it.
  5. The paper is then passed to the next player. This player must write a phrase that they believe the drawing represents. The newly written phrase is left uncovered, but the drawing is folded over and hidden.
  6. The process continues this way for several rounds until the entire sheet of paper is full, ending with a written phrase.
  7. Once the paper is full, all players reveal and read out the final phrase they have written, as well as the original phrase from the top of their sheet.

This game offers a humorous insight into how phrases can transform with every player's interpretation. The results are guaranteed to be highly entertaining! Enjoy the game!