Youth Games Collection

Small group game, High energy

Balloon Toss

Description: Balloon Toss is a riveting group challenge that requires teams to keep balloons within two marked squares on the floor.


  1. Two squares should be marked out on the floor using masking tape.
  2. Teams will take turns to participate. Each team attempts to keep their balloons within their designated square.
  3. The challenge begins when the first team steps up to their square, with balloons ready to toss.
  4. Teams must prevent their balloons from exiting the marked squares. This is achieved by tossing the balloons up in the air within the square.
  5. If a balloon lands outside of the square, it is considered as an 'out'.
  6. The team with the least 'outs' at the end of the game is declared the winner.

Participate, enjoy the game, and remember, the key is to keep those balloons afloat within your square!