Knee Tap Game
Knee Tap is a fast-paced children's game that requires quick thinking and faster reactions. The focus of the game is to pass on a "call" to different players while avoiding a tap from the game leader.
- A chair for each player
- A baton made of rolled-up newspaper
The players should be seated in a circle.
- A designated leader or 'it' stands in the center of the player circle.
- The game begins as one player calls out the name of another, for example, "Anna to Mary."
- Mary must then quickly pass the call onto someone else, for example, "Mary to Simon", and the chain continues.
- Simultaneously, the leader's job is to tap the knee of the person who is currently 'calling.' So, while Anna is calling Mary, the leader attempts to tap Anna's knee.
- If the leader taps a player's knee before they call out another name, then that player swaps with the leader and goes into the center. However, if the call is passed onto the next player before the leader can tap the calling player's knee, the leader must change targets and try to tap the new calling player's knee.
- The play continues with this sequence.
Play and enjoy the fun, but remember, stay on your toes and keep the call going!