Youth Games Collection

Big group game, High energy

The Pole Game

Game Description:

In this engaging game, participants link arms to form a circular group around a pole. The object is to collectively maneuver the circle, aiming to induce someone into touching the pole. The pole can be any sturdy, upright object such as a tree or a bin.


  1. Everyone forms a circle around the chosen 'pole' by linking arms together.
  2. The group then tries to maneuver the circle to cause one person to touch the pole.
  3. If a person touches the pole, they are eliminated from the game.
  4. If the circle's connection is broken at any point, both individuals involved in the break are also eliminated.
  5. The game continues until only one participant remains standing.

Note: Keep ice packs handy for potential minor injuries. Participants should ensure the game is played in a safe manner.