Ninja Keys
Game Materials
- Blindfold
- Keys on a keychain (you can substitute this with any other object)
Have the players sit in a circle, with one person blindfolded and sitting in the middle. The keys should be placed underneath the chair of the blindfolded person.
How to Play
- Silently nominate one person to sneak in and try to steal the keys, and then return to their chair.
- The blindfolded individual seated on the chair is allowed three vertical swipes to try and touch the sneaking person, guided by the sound of their footsteps. Horizontal swipes are not permitted.
- If the 'ninja thief' manages to take the keys and return to their spot without being touched, they get to be the blindfolded person on the chair for the next round. If the 'ninja thief' gets touched while trying to steal the keys, a new person is chosen and the game starts again.