Game Description:
Engage with a partner in a fun game to discover seven things in common, excluding the easily identifiable traits such as church, religion, gender, or race. The thrill escalates as the first pair to reach the goal of seven commonalities has to rush to the game leader to validate their findings.
Game Rules:
Find a partner to play the game with.
Discuss and discover common traits or interests that you both share, excluding obvious aspects like church, religion, gender, and race.
Aim to identify seven distinct things that you both have in common.
The first pair to identify seven common attributes must immediately approach the game leader.
The game leader will review and confirm the commonalities.
If the leader approves all seven items, the round is won by that pair. If not, the pair must go back and continue their discussion until they accurately identify seven common traits.
Sequence repeats until a winner emerges. Have fun!