Bambio Game is a lively, interactive game that tends to bring out the boldness in its players.
All players should place their hands in front of their faces as if in prayer, keeping their eyes open.
The game begins with the start phrase, "Bamboo, bamboo, come on out."
After each word in the phrase, players raise their hands upward, keeping them close together.
The challenge begins by having a participant say "one". Following this, another player says "two", then another says "three", and so on. Players should speak up when they feel brave enough.
When two or more players utter the same number simultaneously, they must quickly call out the names of all the other individuals who said the exact number.
The last person to call out the names becomes the loser of that round.
Scoring and Penalties:
Option 1: The loser can receive a point. Accumulation of three points results in a loss. The penalty can be in the form of sharing a fun fact or performing a harmless task.
Option 2: To increase the intensity of the game, the losing player can be eliminated from the circle, thus creating a more competitive environment.