Youth Games Collection

Quick to learn

Team Decider

Game Description:

Team Decider is an engaging, fun-filled game quite similar to musical chairs. In this game, players dance around a space arranged with randomly distributed chairs. The challenge kicks in when the music stops. At that moment, every player must rush and secure a spot on one of the available chairs, trying their best not to touch the floor.

The unique twist is that the chair also acts as the decider for team formation. By specifying a maximum limit of people per chair, one can control the team sizes. Thus, your teammates are the ones sharing the same chair as yours.

Game Rules:

  1. Have all players begin by dancing around in the space where chairs are randomly placed.
  2. Keep a keen ear to know when the music stops, and then race to find a spot on one of the available chairs.
  3. Avoid touching the floor at all costs.
  4. If you specify a maximum number of people allowed per chair, this will determine the size of each team.
  5. Remember, the players sharing your chair will be your teammates in this lively and exciting game of Team Decider!