Youth Games Collection

Big group game, High energy

Capture The Pig Game

Game Title: Capture The Pig

Game Description:

Capture The Pig is a high-energy team game involving strategy and agility. The game is played with two teams on a court, using a ball or small toy (designated as 'the pig') placed at the one-third mark of the court as the objective. Each end of the court serves as the starting line for each of the teams. The teams perform as either defenders or attackers, with their roles switching from round to round.

How To Play:

  1. Start of Round: The game begins with the attackers attempting to capture 'the pig' and return it to their starting line, while the defenders are tasked with protecting the pig by tagging the attackers who aim to capture it.

  2. Defender's Role: If a defender tags an attacker, the attacker in question is out for the rest of the round. However, if the defenders fail to tag any attackers before the entire attacking team crosses back over their starting line, the defender becomes ineligible for the rest of the round.

  3. End of Round: A round concludes either when the attackers successfully retrieve the pig (attackers win) or when all attackers have been tagged and the attacking team is left with no remaining players (defenders win).

The game continues from round to round, requiring intensive running and dynamic strategy. Depending on the court size and player count, the rules may need to be adjusted for practicality.

This engaging game offers not only physical activity but also a fun experience filled with teamwork and strategy planning. Enjoy Capture the Pig!