Life-Sized Hungry Hippos is a fun-filled, team-based game. Players are assigned to various teams, typically four in number. Each team receives a skateboard attached to a rope, a washing basket, a helmet, and gloves. The playing area is set up with numerous small plastic balls scattered in the center. The objective of the game is for each team to collect as many balls as they can within a set timeframe.
Teams are stationed at an individual corner within the playing area, ensuring a considerable distance between them for safety.
One person from each team is selected to be the 'hungry hippo'. The chosen player will lie on their stomach on the skateboard, wearing the provided helmet and gloves for safety, and hold the washing basket.
The remaining team members will push the skateboard towards the center of the room while holding onto the other end of the rope.
The 'hungry hippo' will use their washing basket to scoop up as many balls as possible from the center of the room.
Once the 'hungry hippo' has collected some balls, the team quickly pulls on the rope to reel them and their skateboard back to the corner.
After one or two turns, the teams rotate their 'hungry hippo' player so everyone gets a chance to play this role.
The game concludes either when all balls are collected or when the pre-determined time limit is reached.
The team that has collected the most balls by the end of the game is declared the winner.