Youth Games Collection

Small group game, Brain challenge

Psychiatrist Game

Game Materials

  • Chairs


  • Single Group

Game Instructions

  1. One person is chosen to be the 'psychiatrist' and temporarily leaves the room.

  2. The remaining participants decide on a 'disease' or condition, for example, 'everyone is a superhero', 'you must always look at a part of the psychiatrist', or 'always start an answer with the word "ummm".'

  3. The psychiatrist re-enters the room and starts asking questions to the participants.

  4. The participants answer truthfully following the identity or condition they decided on. For instance, if the 'disease' is 'everyone is a superhero', they must respond as if they are the superhero.

  5. The goal of the psychiatrist is to deduce the original 'disease' from the participants' responses.

Enjoy playing!