Youth Games Collection

Small group game, Ice breaker, Quick to learn

Pass the Beat


In this exciting and rhythmic game, all participants sit forming a circle. The game progresses as participants recite the phrase "Pass the beat around the room" in unison, each player enunciating one word at a time. To keep the rhythm, participants simultaneously hit their thighs on each word.

If a player fails to keep the rhythm or breaks the pattern, they are eliminated from the game, though remain in the circle. The chant begins anew, but the catch here is that when the turn comes around to the eliminated player, the entire circle must maintain complete silence. The following player continues the chant as if the silence never happened.

As more participants are disqualified, the game becomes increasingly challenging.

Note: If you have difficulty eliminating players, consider increasing the pace of the chant - it makes the game even more entertaining and tough to follow!