Youth Games Collection

Small group game, Online


Description: Coup is a compact bluffing game that involves hidden roles. This game can be enjoyed using voice and video chat.

You can play it here.


  1. At the onset, each player is given two cards representing various roles, kept hidden from other players.
  2. Each turn, a player either takes one of the basic actions, uses the power of one of their role cards or implies they have a certain role and take the corresponding action.
  3. If a player incorrectly believes another player is not in possession of the indicated role card, they can challenge. If the challenged player cannot show the card, they lose an influence. If they can, the challenger loses an influence.
  4. Losing an influence means discarding one of your role cards. Once a player loses both their influence/cards, they are out of the game.
  5. The last standing player is the winner.